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Welcome to the Kansas Personal Responsibility Education Program (K-PREP)*! The Royal Valley school district utilizes the K-PREP program as a part of the curriculum in our Family Studies course at Royal Valley High School. The goal of K-PREP is to promote life preparation skills (e.g., healthy relationships, parent-child communication, independent living skills, and more) using the Love Notes Evidence-Based Program (LN EBP) developed by The Dibble Institute. The LN EBP offers youth a conceptual framework aimed at cultivating healthy relationships with self and others by expanding the current curriculum to include: planning and pacing relationships, identifying safe relationships, building self-efficacy and resiliency, improving communication skills, and making informed decisions when it comes to sex and family formation.
Social Innovation Lab is working in partnership with the Kansas Family, Career, and Community Leaders of America (KS-FCCLA) Foundation to promote positive youth development and reduce the rates of teen pregnancies in Kansas.
The school district does not receive the data back from these pre and post surveys, however, it is utilized by Social Innovation Lab to validate the effectiveness of the curriculum being implemented.
Click on the link below to view the student survey and the access the parent consent form.