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Prairie Band Potawatomi
The following safety concerns and procedures apply anytime the pupil is riding a school bus (regular routes, activity or field trips). In addition, on activity or field trips, pupils shall follow directions of a teacher or a chaperone appointed by the school. By state law, the driver is in charge of all passengers while they are riding, loading on or unloading from the bus.Any act which may endanger the safety of others may be cause for temporary or permanent suspension of bus riding privileges.
Pupils must be on time! Be outside at the stop. In extreme weather, pupils may wait inside, but must be on the way to the bus as it approaches. The bus cannot wait beyond its regular schedule for those who are tardy. If the student rider is not visible to the driver, the bus will leave.
Bus riders shall conduct themselves in a safe manner while walking to the bus stop, waiting for the bus, and boarding the bus. Walk on the far left-hand side of the road facing traffic when going to the bus stop. Never stand in the roadway. Stand single file in an orderly manner while waiting for the bus. If crossing the road to board the bus, do so only after directed by the bus driver and after looking both ways before entering or crossing the road. Wait until the bus comes to a complete stop and the red safety lights are flashing before attempting to cross the road. The bus will stop at least six feet away from the closest student.
All student riders in a family should be at the loading site together when boarding the bus.
Never cross behind the bus. When crossing the road after de-boarding, walk along the side of the road in front of the bus until the driver's face is seen. Wait until the bus driver signals to cross. Then, walk checking traffic in both directions before crossing the other lane of traffic.
Remain off the roadway until the bus pulls away. If child checks the mailbox, wait in the drive until the bus pulls away before checking the box.
Never return to the bus for any reason after de-boarding. It is recommended that students have a book bag or sport bag in which to carry all papers, books, shoes, etc.- all loose items. This is especially important for younger riders who might forget the danger of chasing a paper or other dropped item under the bus. Preschoolers who wait for brothers or sisters should stay well away from the road and never go near the bus at any time.
Follow the bus drivers instructions promptly.
If animals, snakes, birds or large items are to be used for a school. This permission should be attained at least a day before you plan to bring the items on the bus.
Headset radios or headset tape players will be allowed on the bus at the driver's discretion.
Possession of water dispensing devices, such as water pistols, squirt bottles and water-filled balloons shall not be permitted on the bus.
The bus driver may assign seats.
Remain seated.
Sit in seats as assigned by the driver.
Take seats quietly and quickly.
Do not extend arms, hands, heads, or objects out through bus windows at anytime.
Never walk or stand in aisle while bus is in motion. When unloading from the bus, do not leave your seat until the bus has stopped.
Face forward with aisle clear.
Remain seated facing forward with feet out of the aisle while the bus is loading, unloading, and while the bus is in motion.
Speak in quiet tone of voice.
Good conduct shall be observed on district buses at all times. Ordinary conversation in a quiet tone will be permitted but noise, profanity, crowding, pushing, or fighting will not be tolerated.
Keep hands, feet and objects to oneself.
Be courteous to the driver and to fellow passengers. Rude remarks will not be allowed.
Passengers are not in any way to distract the driver while the bus is in operation.
Do not destroy property.
Violence is prohibited.
No eating or drinking on the bus.
Eating or drinking will not be allowed on the shuttle or regular route buses.
Absolutely NO sunflower seeds will be tolerated on the buses at any time.
Keep the bus clean.
Each elementary student, including kindergartners, must have a designated pick-up address and a designated drop-off address that is consistent daily. The pick-up and drop-off addresses may be different from each other, but each must remain constant. These addresses shall be declared during enrollment.
A permanent change may be made in a student's designated pick-up or drop-off address(es) by contacting the transportation office at least three (3) days in advance of the change. Changes will be accommodated as long as there is space available. Change of pick up/drop off location on the route may be allowed with a note for each occurrence signed by the school administrator. In an emergency, the administrator may sign a note to allow a student to ride on a different bus route if space is available.If a student is to be picked up at the school or has permission to walk, direct the student not to get on the bus. Once a student gets on the bus (s)he will be released only upon approval of the school administrator (or his or her designee). Never attempt to "flag down the bus" when it is enroute. Students cannot be released along the route. This is a hazardous practice for the student, the bus, and other traffic. Similarly, do not attempt to "catch the bus" at another stop if your student missed the bus in the morning. Either take the child to school, or take the student to another stop farther ahead on the route and have him/her board with others at that stop. It is extremely unsafe for a student to approach the bus from the back or side of the bus.
In the event a student does not adhere to the regulations (see page 2-Bus Rules for Riders), a "Bus Conduct Notice" may be given to the student. Behavior that endangers the safety of other riders or excessive misconduct may be grounds for the student to be placed on the school's Discipline Plan.Time on the bus is a part of the school day, and the rules of conduct which apply to the classroom also apply to the school bus. For this reason, the school principal has the responsibility of working with the parent, student and bus driver in matters pertaining to student behavior on the bus. Please give your full cooperation and support toward the safe operation of the student transportation program.
If there is enough snow or adverse weather that you question whether or not school will be in session, please monitor your television or radio. The Superintendent will determine if school is to be cancelled after checking road and weather conditions and consulting with other school officials. The Superintendent will notify the local media only when school will be called off. (Please remember, school is not called "on"!) If Royal Valley USD #337 is closed, no transportation is provided to any out-of-district programs such as Kaw Area Technical School or Special Education.