The KAY coffee bar was a huge hit this morning! @Kansas_KAY
over 5 years ago, RV337
Students lined up for coffee
KAY members serving coffee
It was a clean sweep for the Panthers last night! RV Varsity vs Jeff West 25-9 & 25-6 RV Varsity vs Perry 25-13 & 25-19 RV JV vs Perry 25-21 & 27-25 RV JV vs Jeff West 25-23 & 25-23 RV C Team vs Perry 25-23 & 25-6 RV C Team vs Jeff West 25-19 & 25-17
over 5 years ago, RV337
Cross Country Regional will be at Riley County (Leonardville Golf Course) GIRLS- 10:00 a.m. BOYS- 10:40 a.m. on Saturday, October 26
over 5 years ago, RV337
RVMS PRO meeting is cancelled for October 2 and rescheduled for Oct 16
over 5 years ago, RV337
State fFFA land is moved to Thursday because of too much rain in Belleville. We will leave Thursday at 6 am instead of tomorrow.
over 5 years ago, RV337
Freshmen: October 17 is your day for the Pre-ACT
over 5 years ago, RV337
RVHS students can purchase iced coffee, hot coffee and frappes tomorrow when they arrive at school! KAY Club will have a coffee bar set up in the commons for all RVHS students (and staff!)
over 5 years ago, RV337
Blue Jazz Coffee
RVMS girls basketball practice will begin on Monday, October 7. All athletes need to have a signed concussion & physical form submitted to RVMS before participating!
over 5 years ago, RV337
It's time to start filling out the paperwork!
over 5 years ago, RV337
FAFSA reminder
Potawatomi language classes will start on Oct 18-permission slips will go home today with the deadline to be back on Oct. 11
over 5 years ago, RV337
Still looking for volunteers for the football meal, snacks and Gatorade for football next week at Marysville:!/showSignUp/5080b4ca4a623a4f49-volunteers2
over 5 years ago, RV337
KSHSAA has released volleyball substate assignments. RV will play at Perry-Lecompton on Saturday, Oct. 26. Other teams there are Pleasant Ridge, Perry, Jeff West, Wellsville, Bishop Ward, Pamona West Franklin and Santa Fe Trail
over 5 years ago, RV337
Parents, Tomorrow RV will email a link for Parent-Teacher Conferences. If don't receive it by 5 pm Tuesday, call your child’s school & provide us with your email address. We apologize for any inconvenience this causes. Once we get your correct email, we should be good to go!
over 5 years ago, RV337
RVMS school pictures orders and money are due Friday, October 4th
over 5 years ago, RV337
Boosters are hosting a community pep rally at Hoyt City Park on Wednesday!
over 5 years ago, RV337
Community Pep Rally Flier
All RVHS boys basketball parents: Below is the link for our basketball fundraiser dinner before the Homecoming football game. Please sign up to help.
over 5 years ago, RV337
Thank you to all the hole sponsors and The Tap and Feed Shed for donating the excellent pulled pork lunch for the RV golf tournament!
over 5 years ago, RV337
Golf carts
Getting in the football game before the rain!
over 5 years ago, RV337
Halftime scoreboard
Seniors who participated in the Apply Kansas event this morning during seminar!
over 5 years ago, Ashley Wick
Little Panther Preschool at the park
over 5 years ago, Amy Pruyser
Preschool at the park
Preschool at the park
Preschool had a great time at the park