Singers and Dancers performing at Boys and Girls club Golf fundraiser
over 5 years ago, RV337
Fancy dancer
RV Native American Singers and Dancers
Cross Country runners will watch the 'student concussion' video Thursday after school in Mr. Smith's classroom. All participants must watch this video before practice on Monday.
over 5 years ago, RV337
High School volleyball players will watch the 'concussion in sports' video after school in Mrs. Swank's classroom on Thursday. All participants are required to watch this video before practice begins.
over 5 years ago, RV337
Attention RVMS Volleyball players: We will have conditioning after school on Thursday and Friday until 5 pm. No shuttle on Thursday but it will be available on Friday. Remember to turn in your physical, concussion, and trainer forms ASAP! You need to have them turned in before you can practice on Monday. *Please pass on to others who are not in this group.* I’d love to see everyone Wednesday night at back to school night. Stop by my room to say hi and sign up so I have an idea who to expect on Thursday.
over 5 years ago, Brenda Hainey
Watch out for school zones and buses this week! Keep our kids safe as they ride the bus or cross the street!
over 5 years ago, RV337
school bus
RVHS students and parents: Please check your email for information on our cell phone policy before Thursday
over 5 years ago, RV337
Support Charles Nez!
over 5 years ago, RV337
Rez for Nez flier
Jackson County Ministerial Alliance held the 37th annual prayer breakfast for USD 337 staff this morning!
over 5 years ago, RV337
Prayer breakfast gathering
Jackson County ministers
Stithem sisters!
7-12 grade athletes: Do you have your signed physical and concussion forms turned in to your schools? You can't practice without them!
over 5 years ago, RV337
National Honor Society members made locker posters today for all high school students!
over 5 years ago, RV337
NHS members make locker posters
NHS members make locker posters
Indian Taco/Bake Sale Fundraiser Wednesday, August 14 benefitting the Michelle Torres Family. Michelle is currently battling cancer. Local delivery available for orders 4+
over 5 years ago, RV337
Indian Taco sale flier
RVES Parents: Due to confidentiality issues, we will not post the class lists online. They will be posted on the front doors tomorrow (Friday) after 9 am.
over 5 years ago, RV337
RV staff is learning practicing to save lives on the CPR dummies
over 5 years ago, RV337
Eck practices on a mannequin
Higley and McClane practice on the CPR dummies
Smith and Switzky work on their CPR skills
RV staff learned how to stuff compressed cotton or gauze into open wounds
over 5 years ago, RV337
Allen stuffs gauze
Higley stuffs gauze
Lambrecht stuff gauze
RV staff members are learning how to stop bleeding in case of a traumatic accident
over 5 years ago, RV337
Katzer gets a tourniquet
Swank gets a tourniquet
Broxterman gets a tourniquet
Parents: Our emergency transportation phone number after hours is 785-966-2184 if you ever need to know about a bus route and your student!
over 5 years ago, RV337
RVMS back-to-school dance is Aug 16th NOT the 17th from 7 to 9pm. Admission is $5 and students need to be signed and out by parent/guardian.
over 5 years ago, RV337
The walkway between RVES and RVHS is nearing completion! The food service staff won't have to haul food or trays outside in the rain/snow anymore!
over 5 years ago, RV337
RVHS hallway
RVES gym commons
Even if you attended Kindergarten Round-up in the spring, we still need you to enroll online! Please do so ASAP or call the elementary office if you need help 986-6286
over 5 years ago, RV337
Fall Sports Conditioning starts tonight at RVHS Track from 6:00-7:00 pm. Will run Monday thru Thursday!
over 5 years ago, RV337