RV softball team gathers at home plate to welcome Eryn Daugherty after her 2-run home run in Game 1
almost 6 years ago, RV337
Eryn Daugerty crosses the plate after a home run
Bases loaded in the bottom of the 6th, Kenzie Ogden knocks in 2 for the walk off over Riverside
almost 6 years ago, RV337
Jenna Elmer with the home run! RV leads Riverside 6-0
almost 6 years ago, RV337
Top of 5, RV leads Riverside 5-0
almost 6 years ago, RV337
Base runners
Mae is mowing them down. Panthers lead Riverside 2-0 bottom of 3rd
almost 6 years ago, RV337
FCCLA are selling snow cones and meat snacks today at the middle school. Each treat is $1.00 each.
almost 6 years ago, Brenda Hainey
The girls are ready for customers.
Art show starts at 6:30 pm in the RVHS Gym Commons! Concert to follow in the gym! Don't miss it!
almost 6 years ago, RV337
art show flier
KAY members handed out May baskets to the senior citizens in Hoyt today! Happy May Day!
almost 6 years ago, RV337
Cassidy & grandma
KJ at door
Antonio at door
3rd graders made and sold friendship bracelets today to raise money for a charity. Today they are deciding which charity they will choose! Great job, 3rd grade!
almost 6 years ago, RV337
students & parents buying friendship bracelets
3rd graders selling bracelets
students buying bracelets
Biology students dissected perch today
almost 6 years ago, RV337
Liz dissecting a perch
Maya and Blake dissecting a perch
Colin, Cole and Gavin dissecting a perch
Thank you, Representative Awerkamp, for hosting us and introducing us on the Kansas House floor! It's a great day to be a Panther!
almost 6 years ago, RV337
Seniors and Awerkamp
Team photo at the Capitol!
almost 6 years ago, RV337
Team photo at the Capitol
RVHS basketball team getting ready to be recognized by the KS House
almost 6 years ago, RV337
KS House of Reps
RVHS NHS members at the NHS state summit in Lawrence today.
almost 6 years ago, RV337
NHS members
Varsity baseball lost the 2nd game 3-11 to Nemaha Central
almost 6 years ago, RV337
Varsity baseball drops a nail biter to Nemaha Central 8-9 in Game 1
almost 6 years ago, RV337
Greenhouse is open today until 3 pm! It’s our last day of the sale! We have tomatoes, impatiens, dianthus, Boston ferns, cockscomb, geraniums and more! Come to the greenhouse behind RVHS
almost 6 years ago, RV337
Highland Art Show: 1. Kaylee Johnson (Artistic Excellence medal) 2. Lejla Mahic (Honorable Mention) 3. Calvin Ogden (Honorable Mention) Come view student artwork at the Spring Art Show before the music concert Wednesday, May 1st, from 6:30-7:30
almost 6 years ago, RV337
RV students' sidewalk chalk art
Here are the vocal state results: Charlotte Rooks I, Hanna Allen II, Allison Clements II, Tanner Holte II
almost 6 years ago, RV337
Gishgo received a 3rd place award.
almost 6 years ago, Brenda Hainey
Congratulations Gishgo!